Friday, July 31, 2009

My Long Project is Over, Pt. 1

Programming is still going on, but art for the long and winding Vectren Project is finished. My star team of three artists included Trevor Barger (animation), Sean Winburn (painting), and Jackie Crofts (painting). They stuck it out like real pros, enduring 5 am shifts, repeated art direction from me, 13 hours of Enigma albums, and courage in the face of retainer boredom! Stand and Salute... BROTHAAAAAA!
Here's a sample of the first game teaching Gas Safety(with more to come soon):

Concrete World "Healed":

Concrete World Broken:

Grass World:

Grass World Broken:

Dirt World:

Dirt World Broken:

And finally, Water World - which, in terms of design, production, and budget was not unlike Kevin Costner's Water World:

Water World Broken:

1 comment:

Vincent Gorman said...

Looks cool, crazy idea for an energy company, I'm interested in seeing everything put together.